The Car Seat Pros
A Trusted Source for the Child Passenger Safety Info You Need

If you’re looking for info on a new car seat, resources on how to use your car seat correctly, or the latest child passenger safety news, you’re in the right place!

2025 List of Car Seats Without Flame-Retardant Chemicals
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 2025 car seat models that are marketed as being “FR-free”. The list is grouped by type of car seat (infant, convertible, booster, etc.) to make it easier to find what you’re looking for!
Comparison of Doona Car Seat Stroller vs. Evenflo Shyft DualRide Car Seat Stroller Combo
If you’re considering a Doona, chances are you are also comparing it to the Evenflo Shyft DualRide and wondering which might be better for you. Like all niche products, these car seats with integrated strollers are definitely convenient but there are tradeoffs.
2025 Rotating Car Seats Comparison: Find Your Best Match
Pros & Cons of rotating car seat models from Chicco, Cybex, Evenflo, Graco, Joie, Nuna & more to help you find the BEST revolving carseat for your child! Plus, a comparison chart with all your need-to-know features!
Understanding the New Side-Impact Safety Standard for Car Seats
Effective June 30, 2025, car seats manufactured for sale in the U.S. will be required to pass a new side-impact crash test. Learn about the side-impact test and the various updates car seat manufacturers are making to comply with the new standard.
Evenflo Revolve360 Model Comparison: Slim vs. Extend vs. Original
There are THREE different models of the popular Evenflo Revolve360 Rotating Carseat and each model has various "trim levels" that offer different features at different prices. They all rotate 360° but trying to sort out which version has which features can be confusing. Since we have considerable experience with each of the different Revolve 360 models, we're going to break it all down for you.
Rear-Facing to 50 Pounds: The Complete List of Car Seats with Higher Rear-Facing Weight Limits
You asked for it: a complete list of car seats that rear-face to 50 lbs., along with their rear-facing height limits. And our awesome chart in shareable form!
The Complete List of Slim & Narrow Car Seats for 3-Across
This list is a resource for parents and caregivers searching for a slim car seat. We included measurements, weight ranges and MSRP quotes for 17 narrow car seat and booster models to help you narrow down which seats might suit your situation, and your budget.
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